What's in my Saved Items?

by - 11:13 AM

I've been planning to do this post for ages, so I'm really happy that I've gotten round to doing it in the end. Since I haven't ever yet shown you what I bought, I am going to give you a peek into my typical (or not so typical?) Saved Items list on ASOS. I do not actually shop a lot from ASOS, but I do get a lot of ideas of what to buy from the shops available in Malta. I'm not really a fan of online shopping as the part I like most is trying on the clothes and actually making an outing out of a shopping trip. However, I still window shop online a LOT. And I do mean a lot.

About those Brogues. I have (kind of) had enough of this shoe, but really, this design has a sort of casual elegance about it. I really would like something similar. The Floppy Hat I will probably buy. I *want* to wear it but I'm scared that when I do get it I'll end up not wearing it. Oh well. 

By the way, sorry for the lack of posts lately, the end of term is approaching and I've got looooads of work to do. 

Good day :) 
Tina x

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  1. Nice! (:


    follow ((:

  2. A good selection of ASOS items!
    Are u from Malta? I'll go to St. Julians in two months, Can u advice me about how to do/see in Malta? Thanks!


    1. Thank you :)
      Yes, I'm from Malta! Well, a few places worth visiting would be Valletta, Sliema and Gozo (it's a small island part of the Maltese Archipelago). I greatly suggest checking this site: http://www.visitmalta.com/main?l=1 for more places to go to and events to attend.

      Hope you have a good stay!
      Tina x
