Moustache, really?

by - 5:15 PM

Is it just me, or have I really been seeing a lot of this:


Throughout the Fashion world, this moustache is cropping up in a lot of places. Designs which incorporate this symbolic piece of facial hair (which admittedly doesn't sound very 'chic') vary in a multitue of ways. 

From top left: ASOS Jumper,  Le Moustache tee, Moustache Necklace, ASOS Earrings, Moustache Nails.

Despite the tacky and controversial (I still can't decide my stand on facial hair :P) nature of this design, it does turn out to be quite the quirky-cute look. The curved lines, little flicks and the plain black colour give the design a certain aesthetic beauty. Overall I do believe that in it's simplicity, the design in fact has potential to be 'chic'. It does depend on the kind of look you're trying to achieve, and I see it as leaning more towards  strictly casual attire.

A particular moustache-related novelty I'm enjoying is men's tops with moustache taglines. Like these:

From top left: Acid EmbraceClutchTees and French Truckers.

And also my personal favourite moustache tagline:

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  1. I had thought of blogging about this but then decided against for some reason hehe...awesome post!!

    I cannot understand this trend one bit - I even tried to google it, perhaps to find its original source. But no luck. I am not a fan, at all! It's funny, at the most! It is not chic at all (as you said, facial hair? come on! haha how can that ever be chic!)

    I believe it's somehow, very vaguely associated with Parisian chic, you know, the stereotype of Parisian gourmet - a fat man with a curly mustache. That, however, doesn't make it any more classy....

    sorry for ranting haha but I felt I should say something :P


  2. Haha, no, by all means- rant. I like hearing about this stuff (heaven knows, I blog about it).

    I know exactly what you mean. I did carry out some research but I think the design just sort of grew into fashion - the places it did extend to... because I didn't see it on the runway (and thank god for that) I believe it came from other things since I did see it on mugs, stickers and key-chains.

    And, yes, your connotation makes sense. Perhaps it was also an effect of the latest 'return' of the moustache.

    However, I do think the design is kind of funny and eccentric. I don't believe it's something for high-end fashion, mind you. It's just something that 'normal' (for lack of a better word :P) people began wearing.



  3. Sometimes I question myself whether it's the designers who actually initiate this trend - it was never on the runway but it somehow took like wild fire. The people have a lot to say in determining what influences the looks on the runway every season and yet they're the same people who follow the trends. I think it's kind of a chicken and the egg situation. You can never tell which comes first.


  4. Hmm, yeah, it's a bit complex. I mean, Fashion is not only what we see on the runway. Personally I tend to believe that trends come from a lot of things. Maybe a designer comes up with a new concept, or s/he's inspired from nature, it might be the case that elements of street styles are adopted for designer collections. Fashion reflects a lot about Culture, and we certainly cannot say that it's only designers who come up with concepts. I think Designers are like artists, they notice things in society, trends, styles, and translate them into their works. Haha sorry, I could go on for ever. The development of Fashion and trends is a subject I find really intriguing.

    Hope you had a Good Christmas :)

