This is an art project I did last June. I was actually working on another, completely different theme. However I had to scrap it and started from scratch as I didn't like my first drought at all. The trick, most often, is to just go with your gut, even if yo might think it's too difficult for you to carry out successfully. If you want to paint it, paint it. Giving things a try is usually the secret to successfully creating something you're proud of.
For this work, the only object I started with was a plastic flower. I elaborated into cherry blossoms because they remind me of the this tree we had at school in Secondary. By spring, it would have transformed into a pink haze. Amazing.
This is why I love art, it comes on its own, from pictures, scenes and feelings you experience. Even things you might not be actively conscious of.
Overall, this picture has two main themes; the beauty creative expression. Fashion is an element in this picture, I can't really help it. It's very interlinked with art in my point of view so it pops up practically everywhere. And then there's music... I really think human beings cannot live without it, in all its different forms. It gives us something more in our everyday lives :).
Tina x